Local School Foundations



Portland parents and community members have a long history of supporting PPS schools through volunteer run Local School Foundations (LSFs). Two types of LSFs are active within PPS: Affiliated Foundations are united under the umbrella of The Fund for Portland Public Schools, whose 501(c)(3) nonprofit can be a vehicle for fundraising at any PPS school (even if it does not currently have an active foundation). Independent Foundations are separate 501(c)(3) organizations. During the 2022-23 school year, LSFs—Affiliated and Independents—collectively raised a total of $2.5 million. The Fund for PPS does not retain any of the parent-raised funds for operating expenses.

The PPS community has received positive national press coverage for initiating ways that parent-led fundraising can transcend individual school communities and make a broader, more equitable impact. In the current model, two thirds of dollars above $10,000 raised at a school may be allocated toward staffing at the school that raised the funds, while one third of the funds raised are pooled with those from all the LSFs to become the PPS Parent Fund. These dollars are in turn awarded to schools based on a data-driven formula which measures relative need.

Click on the link below to view how much each Local School Foundation raised to pay for staffing and how much they contributed to the PPS Parent Fund:



Learn More

We aim to provide full transparency regarding the funds raised by school-based foundations and the PPS Parent Fund. We invite you to learn more at the following links.


Comparison of Affiliated & Independent Foundations

Learn about the similarities and differences between affiliated and independent school foundations.

PPS Parent Fund Awards 

Funded with the one-third contribution of school-based foundations, the PPS Parent Fund provides grant awards to schools that meet a defined demographic formula.


Find answers to commonly asked questions about the history and operations of school-based foundations in PPS and formation of The Fund for PPS.